You, Work & Rest -all you need in 2023!

As part of my 2023 goals, I decided to read the entire bible this year.  Now before you think how righteous this is of me, I have to confess this is the 4th time I've set that goal.  It’s like the workout goals, except I usually make it about three months instead of just one week into the year.  Then I get lost in ALL of the details of the old testament.  Moses LOVES details and accounting for every person and move they made… I just start to glaze over reading all of the names & places I can’t pronounce, give up and go back to my daily devotionals.    

This year, I found a plan in the YouVersion Bible App I use. I started today and I can already see that it will make this easier for me, as there is a guide helping explain some of the bible verses. (It’s like having a personal trainer explaining how to use all of the equipment at the gym, so you keep showing up past January 7th) Now I’m only on day one, but it was a powerful day.  So fingers crossed I make it this year! If you are interested in knowing about the reading plan I’m doing, it’s the “ Bible in One Year 2023 with Nicky Gumbel” join me if you’d like! 

Anyway, I had to share what came to me today as it has to do with you, talents, strengths, work, and rest!  All the things that come from finding, knowing, and working in your calling! These aha’s aren’t exactly new thoughts, just reminders that hit me in a new way altogether this morning. 

My three Aha’s (reminders) for today:

  1.  God created us in His image, saying, “it is good.”   This means YOU, my friend, are created to be amazing! You have gifts and talents inside of you that are good and Godly! As the saying goes, God doesn’t create rubbish or a nobody.  He created only good things, and YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE GOOD THINGS! 

  2. Work is a blessing.  Adam & Eve were put in the garden to work and care for it.  They were assigned to look after the creatures and the land that God created.  We are designed to work.  I have to believe that God wanted us to do good work with the talents He put inside each of us.  This is your calling, the work you’ve been created to do!  Ephesians 2:10 says, “ For we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good work, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”   Find what it is and do it well.

  3. Rest is not optional.  I grew up being made to feel lazy if I rested.  I think in the United States especially, there is still an underlying thought that rest= laziness.  We honor those who hustle and grind.  But that’s not the way we were created.  After six days of work, God rested! And He realized that the rest day was so powerful He blessed that 7th day made it holy!  Life is about being, not doing, we aren’t designed to hustle 24/7, 365 days of the year! God wants us to enjoy the fruits of our labor.  We have been created to work AND relax and enjoy life! So go ahead and take a nap today and take a full day off to enjoy just being! 

These were my major takeaways today.   I think I’m off to a good start with reading the bible in a year, don’t you?  (way more insightful than knowing what tribe came from another tribe).  I hope my insights give you something to think about today as well, and you feel inspired to go out and use your talents to work and then enjoy the fruits of your labor with well-earned rest! And, of course, if you need help finding out what gifts & talents you have inside of you OR what work you are called to do,  reach out - it’s what I love to help people discover!  You can always email me at or send me a direct message

Sheri Miter

Tired of seeing too many amazing people not using their natural talents and settling for mediocrity in life, Sheri Miter is on a mission to help individuals unleash their strengths and discover their true calling.

As a Visionary Strategist and Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, she believes when you find your purpose in life and pursue it with bold faith and excellence, fulfillment, joy & success will follow!

When she’s not coaching, consulting, or creating her podcast, she loves spending time with her six grandkids, traveling, and setting sail on adventures with her husband of 36+ years!

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